Secondary Lessons


Provincial Government

Guiding Questions

How does the provincial government work? How does voting influence government?


The provincial government is separated into three branches: legislative, executive and judicial. The branches work together to serve all Ontarians.


In this lesson, students explore the role of each branch and get a better understanding of the areas of responsibility of the provincial government. Students deepen their understanding about how government affects them and how political decisions impact local, national or global communities, and reflect on how they can  influence government by voting in elections.


By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

  • Understand how a parliamentary democracy works;
  • Use the concept of objectives and results to understand how election results can impact the workings of government and resulting political decisions;
  • Work in a collaborative and critically thoughtful manner (Citizenship Education Framework – Attributes);
  • Use the concept of stability and change to analyze how and why political institutions and government policies change over time or why they remain the same;
  • Develop positive attitudes towards voting and civic engagement (Citizenship Education Framework – Attributes);
  • Use the concept of political perspective to analyze the way in which a person’s beliefs and values can affect their voting preferences and their opinion about voting.


  • I can explain how the provincial government is structured in Ontario;
  • I can assess the difference between a majority and minority government and the idea of responsible government;
  • I can collaborate with my peers to present information about a government ministry;
  • I can analyze how governments make decisions which impact citizens;
  • I can express my opinion about voting in government elections.
  • I can analyze the way in which a person’s beliefs and values can affect their voting preferences and their opinion about voting.


CHV2O: A1, A2, B1, A1.5, A1.7, A2.2, B1.2



1. Reinforce the concept that our political system is based on political parties. Members of Provincial Parliament are most often members of a political party. Political parties consist of a group of people that share similar political views and ideologies, and work together to accomplish their goals.

2. Review Ontario’s major political parties and show students the election results from the 2011 and 2014 provincial elections (Handout 6.1). Ask students to infer which party formed government and how they know. Can any conclusions be drawn from comparing the two election results and how it may influence the workings of the legislature?

3. Explain to students that Ontario elementary and secondary students have voted in parallel elections during general elections since 2003. Review the Student Vote results from the 2011 and 2014 provincial elections (Handout 6.2) and compare them to the general election results.

Guiding questions:

  • How do the Student Vote results compare to the general election?
  • How does one’s political perspective impact voting decisions?
  • Why is it important that young voters participate in the electoral process?


1. Review the concepts of parliamentary democracy, responsible government and branches of government. Use the following questions and support tools to review this information (Slide Deck 6, ‘Parliamentary Democracy in Ontario’ video).

  • What is a parliamentary democracy?
  • What is the separation of powers in the provincial government? What is the role of each branch?
  • What is the principle of responsible government?
  • What is a majority or minority government?

2. Look back again at the past general election results (Handout 6.1) and Student Vote results (Handout 6.2) to review the concepts of majority and minority governments.

3. Divide students into small groups and assign each group a different provincial government ministry. Task each group with presenting information about their ministry to the rest of the class through a skit, role play or interactive presentation. Students could use one or more of the following questions as their focus.

  • What do they do and why? How do they aim to help people?
  • What type of programs or services do they offer?
  • What are some recent announcements or legislation?
  • How are you, students, families or your community impacted by these new announcements or legislation?

Teacher Note: This activity can be completed using Handout 6.3 (descriptions of Ontario government ministries) or by reviewing the Ontario government website – (The layout and information may differ between ministries).

4. Prior to beginning of the task, discuss what makes a good presentation and write down a list of criteria. Considerations: creativity, effort, knowledge of the content, knowledge-transfer, etc.


Based on the group presentations or a review of Handout 6.3, ask students to rank the government ministries in two ways with different considerations.

  • Rank the top five ministries in order of importance to your life.
  • Rank the top five ministries in order of importance for your family or the community at large.
  • How do the rankings differ? What is the significance for election results?


A) Take home survey – Survey five people who are eligible to vote in elections in Canada and ask about their voting habits and attitudes (Activity 6.4). What does the information collected tell you about attitudes towards voting?

B) Exit Card – What did you learn about provincial government? What else do you want to know?


  • Slide Deck 6: Provincial Government [PPT]
  • Handout 6.1: 2011 & 2014 General Election Results [PDF]
  • Handout 6.2: 2011 & 2014 Student Vote Results [PDF]
  • Handout 6.3: Ontario Provincial Ministry Descriptions [PDF]
  • Activity 6.4: Voting Survey [PDF] [Word]

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